The last time you received a newsletter article from us was sometime in November 2023.
It probably had to do with an upcoming sale or campaign that we were running because last year, our hands were full.
After the last newsletter post, we had to take a break and go back to the drawing board. For us, for you.
See, not too long ago, someone asked me
"Hey, Victor. What's the meaning of Jali?"
My response: In traditional African societies, there were certain people who were charged with the responsibility of dictating the narrative of the land. They were the custodians of the stories that formed the very fabric of the society. The white men called them griots but in many West African tribes, they're called Jalis.
The reason I chose the name Jali 3 years ago when I started a company was because I believed in the power of storytelling to shape narratives and dictate business growth.
I still believe it.
That's exactly why we're here; to not just teach storytelling and communication but to do it, through an express practice of it in the most incredible way.
This is what has inspired our direction for 2024.
Our commitment to you is very simple this year; To deliver the best value in storytelling and communication , in the most assimilatable form to aid the growth of your personal or business brand.
So, here's what to expect from The Jali Tribe in 2024.
1. Case Studies: We believe in practical learning and as a result, we use case studies to show real life examples of what we teach.
Expect to see a case study once in a month. To be precise, the 3rd week of every month.
2. Marketing/Storytelling/Brand/Communication Lessons: Here's where we simply give you a step-by-step process of what to do to accelerate your marketing efforts using guides, tools, and practical templates.
Expect this one in the first week of the month.
3. Podcast: You've read our work, now it's time to also hear our voice. In the Jali podcast, I'll be going into detail like I never have with the stories, lessons, case studies and practical tales of my experience in marketing so far.
4. H2H: You know what that means? Heart2Heart. This one is simple - there are certain things no one would understand if they aren't in the arena. If you're not actively doing business or building something, this one is not for you. But if you are building something, these stories and advice would encourage you.
Some of them from personal experience, some from observational experience but all with the same goal - to see you forge ahead and take the right steps in bringing your business dreams to reality.
If you're getting this in your mail, I'll love you to leave a response saying "Ready!"
And if you're viewing this on the website, I'll want you to leave a comment with the same.
Btw, this should get you giddy
You can get any of our product or services at a 50% discount now by simply using the coupon code 'New Year'
Happy New Year ❤️